Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Thankfully Dull

Things have been pretty low key with the boys since the weekend. I'm not going to complain though. They did get their pretty new collars from the other day. I am really pleased with them. I'll do a write up when I can get a picture that properly showcases them.

In other news - we are babysitting another puppy. He is pretty cute, but lacks manners. He is smart and a quick learner though, so I'm trying to be patient. It is just a big change because our dogs have been taught certain things and expectations from day one, and this puppy has not. That's fine, everyone does things their own way - it just makes it a bit harder to be patient when our dogs can behave fine in a situation where this one is a mess. For example, when our puppies come out of their pen, they wait patiently until we say "OK". This one just rams against the pen door and launches out. He also screams like he is dying every time we leave the house. I hope the neighbors can be patient too!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good News for Patrick

His Liver Shunt tests all came back with good news. He values were all normal. Hopefully this means it was a fluke reaction to the Tramadol. I was so happy to get the news.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Oh Reality TV

Seriously people - ShowDog Moms and Dads is my guiltiest of guilty pleasures. I saw that it was on and shouted a victorious "YES!" I am going to pretend it is somewhat educational, but we know it's not.

No Answers

Patrick is home from the hospital and is back to his old self. The problem is - no one is sure what went wrong. He was absolutely fine, had a nap and woke up in a terrible state. One thought is an allergic reaction to his pain meds - but he hadn't had any in over 12 hours. Very fishy indeed. Their next thought is a liver shunt. This is upsetting to say the least. We won't know the results on that test until tomorrow at the earliest.
The vet clinic took excellent care of him and they all fell in love with him.
He is home today, feisty as always. We are trying to keep him very low key. It's not easy! I'm including a picture earlier yesterday enjoying the sun, and then today when he arrived home from the hospital. He looks sad - it's because his brother and the dog we are babysitting were tearing around the house and we wouldn't let him join in.
His symptoms were strange. He seemed like he was drunk - swaying back and forth struggling to hold himself up. He was also drooling excessively. At first I thought hypoglycemia, but he didn't perk up at all after nutrical. His blood tests at the hospital were all normal and his sugar was also normal. He spent the night on IV fluids and had charcoal given to him as well. Poor guy. I'm glad to have him home.

Bad News

Tonight Patrick took a turn for the worst... the very worst. He is now at an Animal Specialist Hospital at least over night on IV undergoing a battery of tests. They think maybe it is an adverse reaction to his pain medication - but it could be many other things. Please keep him in your thoughts. I hope to have good news tomorrow.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Two Successful Neuters

Thankfully Patrick's neuter went well. They even let us bring him home at 1:30 instead of 4:00. He is very tender and a lot more whiny than Jack was. I think it has to do with the fact that Jack just hunkered down and rested the whole day and Patrick wants to be a part of everything. Either way, the vet people were super nice and helpful. Our last major vet thing for the year (barring disaster) is Heart Worm testing. Apparently it is becoming more prevalent in California. They are going in two weeks for the test and then it should be a whole year until we need to go back!

In other dog related news, Jack is making great strides with his confidence. We had the two best walks of our relationship today. No pulling and no shying at on coming people. He walked happily on a loose leash, listening and responding to my commands. He also played willingly with some company we had over last night. When they came over we told them just to ignore him and pretend he wasn't there. Within 15 minutes he was like "Hey, PICK ME!". Last time these people were here he was so afraid of them he peed on the carpet and the couch. Horrible and embarrassing. The trainer is helping me with ways to make him feel comfortable and adjust better to new situations. It seems to be working in all areas of Jack's life! GO JACK!

I'm posting very baby puppy pictures of the boys since they are growing up so fast. *sob*

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Neuter Time...

Tomorrow Patrick goes in to get Neutered. On top of the fact that it is law in LA, he is starting to mark things (outside only -thank goodness) but I would like to nip that in the bud. I know that neutering is a fairly routine procedure, but I'm still nervous. Patrick is very small and any anesthetic is dangerous. Think happy thoughts for him so he can have a good surgery. I'll be anxious until he's home safe and sound.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Southern California Dog Parks

As I've said many times - I love going to dog parks. The dogs can run and really get some exercise as well as meet other dogs. I found this great site that lists all the area dog parks! It has user rating and reviews, lists the dogs that frequent the park (if the owners submit them) and has a place to set up doggie play dates. Pawspot is a great site.

Dogs on TV

Lately there has been many shows on TV about dogs. I'm a big sucker for these shows no matter what genre they are.

Dog's Moms and Dads was on the other night. It chronicles the owners of show dogs that participate in various disciplines. Some of these people are CRAZY. Two guys in a super abusive relationship have to massage their dogs testicles to make them drop. Maybe he's just not cut out to be a show dog? This on Bravo.

It's me or the dogs is like the British Dog Whisperer. Instead of Cesar Milan we get Victoria Stillwell. She seems more kind than Cesar and appears to get good results.

Groomer has it... is the show for real? Dog Groomers vie for the prize of Best Groomer. They start by grooming a yarn dog. Literally, a dog made of yarn. Then they shear sheep? Clearly these tasks show dog grooming ability.

There is also Petfinder, Animal Cops, Animal Precinct and of course the Dog Whisperer. It is nuts! Of course I watch them all because I'm a nut. The dogs watch them too. It is interesting what animals they bark at and which ones they do not. Also, my husband pointed out that they never bark at the people on the TV, just the animals. They bark at all the live people who come into our house. It would be interesting to get into the mind of a chihuahua.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Today I Eat my Words

So the other day I was blogging about how I didn't understand Dogster. I still don't really "get" it, but what the heck. Showing off my cute pups can't hurt right? So, without further ado....

While I was at it I made them a Squidoo. For those of you that don't know Squidoo's are single pages that hold information on any topic you want. They are pretty easy to make, and have some fun widgets. Here is their squidoo.

I must sign off now, as the boys are barking at Polar Bears on TV. Super.

Handi-Drink - Product Review

As I have mentioned, the dogs and I frequent dog parks. One thing that has been concerning me, especially with the extreme heat, is their unwillingness to drink from the water at the park. Because I'm a well trained human I immediately got to work looking for a solution.

I ordered them a Handi-Drink not really expecting it to work, but hey, at least I was trying to solve the problem. Well, Egg on my Face! The dogs LOVE it. I don't know what it is but they will drink out of it anywhere. At home, at the park it doesn't matter. In fact it seems to be a hit with other dogs as well. Today at the park while I was giving the boys some hydration another dog came over to partake.

This is also leak free. I threw it in my doggie bag with the treats and toys and everything stayed completely dry!

Good Price, Leak Free, Portable and Dog Approved = OK by me!

Where did the weekend go?

Considering we had nothing to do this weekend, it sure seemed busy. I ran my usual weekend errands (groceries) but that was about all we had planned.

I ordered some new knitting books. I want to learn how to knit again and be better at it. Last time I tried it took me THREE MONTHS to make a scarf. Not a super fancy scarf either. A plain old boring one. Anyways, I want to make slippers and toques and dog sweaters and throws and... Really, I want to be able to make anything I want.

We went to the dog park today. It was super fun. There was about 8 dogs there total and they were all well behaved. The boys ran and ran and ran. It was good because they were all antsy in the apartment. It is really nice to have some choices close by to help them really blow off some steam.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Digging to China?

This is Patrick - he hides his treats in his bed. Obviously he really wanted one.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

My mad photoshopping skills!

I mentioned the other day that I got a new computer. With that new computer I also got photoshop. I have had it in the past, but never really learned the intricacies of it. I could rub out a blemish and re size photos. I am working on learning more about it. I am not sure why, but maybe some down down the road it will be handy. Anyways, I made a new top banner. GO ME! I am proud of it even though it is nothing special. On the next one I suppose I will try to make it fit in the designated area. C'est la vie!

I love when I follow through...

I actually restarted exercising today. I always say I will, but I don't and today I did. Go me. Project Biggest Loser has commenced. Hopefully I can work up from my pitiful performance today - I am sure my grandfather is in better shape than me.

Puppy school with Jack went well. Already some of the issues we were having are lessening. It was reassuring to hear what I was doing right, and some of the things I was doing wrong were so small but are making a big difference. I care very much about the happiness and welfare of my animals so I know I will stick with the homework and methods we are given.

Also, thank goodness the heat has broken. I was not meant to be in 97 degree weather. I am from Canada where there is snow and cold. I'm not saying I LOVE the cold and snow - but I can always put more clothes on to get warmer. What can I do when it is 97 degrees and the AC is busted? NOTHING. I can be miserable and that is it. The dogs spent most of the day crashed out or drinking water (and consequently, peeing). They didn't even want to lay in the patented sun spot. Their life is so hard!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Randomness at it's finest

Tonight I watched the biggest loser finale. I hadn't followed the season - or any past seasons, but WOW. Those people lost some serious weight. They made me feel kind of guilty. At this point I'm not dangerously overweight but I'm not thin and I'm certainly not as fit as I once was. I was watching thinking "I should go for a run now... but I want to watch the show." The good news is that when I went to get a commercial snack - I opted to get grapes instead of cookies or chocolate. Tomorrow I am going to start running again. Maybe I will add that tally to blog or something. It will help keep me accountable.

On a totally different topic - Jack starts doggie school tomorrow. I'm really excited for him. He is smart as a whip and learns things really quickly, but I need some help with his confidence outside of the house. He gets so timid and scared. I'm hoping to learn some good tips to help him cope a bit better.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Gymnastics Coaching - Blog Review

Everyday I have an online ritual. I log on, check my email and then check out my favourite websites. One site that has been steadily climbing up the list is Gymnastics Coaching. The site is updated frequently and has diverse coverage (as far as gymnastics goes). I also like that the author reads the comments and takes them into consideration.

The most recent post is about the rumoured Russian scandal of Putin and a Rhythmic superstar hooking up!.

The blog covers "tumbling, tramp, diving, acrobatics, circus, cheer, dance, martial arts, X sports and more". Check it out! I do everyday!

New computer for the win!

For the past 5 months or so my trusty little laptop had been failing me. The power cord wouldn't stay connected and my battery wouldn't hold a charge. Tres annoying! Finally I broke down and ordered myself a new one. It arrived today and WOW am I so much happier computing now.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Out with the Dogs

Today we all headed down to LA for a meet up with other tiny dogs. Something that had never occurred to me until today is, the cement gets HOT on their little feet. Patrick stepped out on the walkway and was reluctant to go. Within 15 seconds was whining uncontrollably. As soon as we picked him up he stopped. I reached down and touched the walk way and it burned MY hand. I felt so bad! After that snafu (and lesson learned) we climbed into the car to head to the dog park.

Despite the heat it went really well. There was shade and fresh water for people and dogs available. The dogs enjoyed themselves and socialized very well. Jackson is painfully shy so we are really working on getting him more comfortable in different situations. Patrick got a new harness - he is so tiny it is hard to find stuff to fit him. I enjoy being able to take my boys out to play with same sized dogs! I look forward to the next one.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Road to Beijing - Gymnastics Post #1

I'm an avid gymnastics fan. The lead up to the 2008 Olympics is just about killing me! It is going to be a tough. Since banishing the perfect 10 from the sport, it has been a race to see who can compile the highest score. He Kexin of china has reached the highest score on bars thus far. She managed a 16.85 - this makes the leader as far as favourites for the Olympic bars gold goes. I would have no problems if she won!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gratuitous Picture Post

I think my boys are pretty cute. This post has no purpose other than to show some recent pictures.

Chicken Nibblers - Healthy Treats For Your Dog

I am always on the hunt for "good" treats to give my pups. Good encompasses a few things. First, they have to like it. Second, it has to be somewhat healthy for them. I can't be rewarding them for "good pees" all day long while feeding them garbage! My local pet store recommended Chicken Nibbles to me.

Chicken Nibbles are 100% natural. According to their ad: "Pet Center Chicken Nibbles dog treats, made from 100% Chicken Breast Fillets, are freshly processed according to PCI's quality standards and formulas without additives or coloring. These premium treats are delicately roasted to perfection to insure the ultimate quality and flavor. Low in fat, high in protein, no preservatives and highly nutritious. Chicken Nibbles are sure to become your dog's favorite treat. Round shaped nibbles are perfect as a training treat" These treats are also endorsed by the American Canine Association.

So, obviously the second part of my "good" criteria is fulfilled. Regarding the first, my dogs LOVE them. My one pup is a bit leery of new treats but gobbled these right up. The only thing I would change is to perhaps have a small breed version of the treat. I break each cookie up into about 4-6 pieces to use for training. Otherwise it takes way too long for them to eat and I'm sure they would get fat no matter how healthy the treats are.

Go Orange for ASPCA

April 10 is ASPCA day! What does that mean?

"Every year on April 10, the anniversary date of the founding of the ASPCA in 1866, the ASPCA will be celebrating ASPCA Day and encouraging animal lovers of all ages nationwide to GO ORANGE FOR ANIMALS! Going Orange on ASPCA Day is a tribute to the work of the ASPCA and a celebration of compassion and kindness for all living things everywhere. (Orange is the official ASPCA color and what better to celebrate than our love of animals?) "

I know my own dogs will be getting some very orange carrots as a snack, but that's not very spirited. Perhaps I will run to a fabric shop and rustle up a few orange bandannas.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Dogster? - I don't get it...

I am sure many people know about Dogster. It is like Myspace or Facebook for dogs. I don't get it. I understand the value in social networking for business and staying in touch, I do not understand online social networking for my dogs. Yes, I know dogs need socializing - but I think that is supposed to be in the real world.

To be fair, the forums are full of activity. Current popular topics are whether choke and pinch collars are cruel and whether Cesar Millan's methods are the be all and end all. So the site as a whole, has some good parts. However, I still don't understand the dog profile part of it. I guess it's just another place to put up cute pictures and share the love.

Monday, April 7, 2008

LA Area - Mandatory to Spay and Neuter

In an attempt to become a No Kill city, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signed one of the country's toughest laws on pet sterilization. It requires that most dogs and cats be sterilized by 4 months of age. Show or sporting competition dogs, guide dogs, animals used by police agencies and those belonging to professional breeders are exempt from the law.

According to msnbc, "First-time offenders will receive information on subsidized sterilization services and be given an additional 60 days. If they still fail to comply they could be fined $100 and ordered to serve eight hours of community service. A subsequent offense could result in a $500 fine or 40 hours of community service."

This all sounds fine and good, the law is trying to solve a major problem. LA shelters took in 50,000 cats and dogs last year and euthanized approximately 15,000 at a cost of $2 million, msnbc reports.

Other issues aside (which I will discuss at a later date) my big question is - who is going to police this? Are there going be dog patrols out checking all dogs out and about being walked? Will they be tracked via pet licensing? Are vets going to be responsible for reporting law breakers? The people that don't spay their dogs usually don't take them to the vet anyway. Responsible people will be responsible for their pets and the rest will slip between the cracks. A poster on a Los Angeles dog message board fears that, "more sick dogs won't even get to go to the vets because their irresponsible owners will be afraid of getting caught".

So, as I've said it is an interesting law with a great purpose idea. It just seems unmanageable. As Dolittler says, "it's too bad you can't legislate common sense".

Your Pet's Best Friend - An Entertaining Veterinary Blog

I have been referencing a blog lately called Your Pet's Best Friend. The blog is about "a small town veterinarian [who] talks about pet care, veterinary medicine, and what happened today". I find that a lot of his articles aim to make a point - often he illustrates the importance of his point with a worth case scenario example. This article discusses the importance of regular wellness exams. The example is a cat that winds up needing extensive intensive care and a case of diabetes.

Regardless, I feel it takes facing harsh realities for some people to understand the importance of good and regular care for their pets. Pets are a privilege, not a right.

Check out the blog. It is well written and has excellent tips, reminders and information.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Griffith Park Off Leash Park

I want to start sharing information about all the dog parks in the Los Angeles area. Some are undoubtedly better than others, but most provide a great place for our four legged friends to burn off some steam. Today I will be covering the Griffith Dog Park. The park is located just off the 134 and the 5 on North Zoo Drive at the end of John Ferraro Soccer Field. The park is right at the end of the road last possible thing you can reach. The dog park has it's own parking.

The park is split into two sections with one side being for small and timid dogs. The regular side has a dirt section and a grassy section. There are a lot of shady trees and benches. The small dog section is all dirt. There is less shade, but still benches and chairs. Both sections have water play and drinking areas for the dogs, pooper-scoopers and trash cans. There is a portable washroom for human use.

The people at this park do a great job of keeping their dogs in the rights section of the park. My little dogs did not have to be fearful of well meaning big dogs as they were all on the proper side of the park. The fencing is excellent in all areas with no gaps where smaller dogs can escape. This is a safe environment for the dogs to play.

Zanies Tug-a-Bloom Dog Toy - Review

The Zanies Tug-a-Bloom Dog Toy is a huge hit with our little dogs. While at a meet up with another little puppy, our dogs took to this fun toy. The owner very kindly gave us one to take home and play with. The balls on the end squeak, the flowers on top crinkle and the rope in the middle...well, it's a good old chew toy. They lady who introduced us to the toy actually separates the four blooms into individual stems. This makes 4 small dog toys out of one.

The official description of the product is:

  • Four ropes that provide ample tugging & chewing options

  • Crinkle flower petals and squeaker in each ball

  • Tug-a-Bloom is 8 1/2"

  • Multi-purpose elements will grab your pups attention

  • Interactive toy has dental benefits and will provide hours of chewing fun

All I know is, the puppies approve!

April - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month!

According the ASPCA April is the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. It is also the same month that the ASPCA was founded 142 years ago! That is nuts. To help you get into the spirit of April, the ASPCA has a few suggestions. You can check out their blog post about it.

One of the easiest suggestions it to read the Top 10 Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty. Do your part to prevent animal cruelty.

Oprah is a Dog Lover too

Everyone knows that Oprah is a dog lover. This past Friday she dedicated her show to puppy mills. If you are interested, you can read the entire transcript on the Oprah website. I'm going to provide a quick summary below. Bill Smith's description of a puppy mill is as follows:

"Factory farms where thousands of breeding dogs are kept in cages slightly larger than their own bodies. Underfed dogs feeding an industry of corruption and greed. Instead of walking on grass, they stand a lifetime on stretched wire flooring in cramp rabbit hutches. Instead of collars or bandanas, they wear rusted livestock clips in their ears or chains with USDA tags embedded in their necks. Undeserving of a name after eight years of service, a breeding female is often led into a dark cornfield and killed once she can no longer produce her young for market."

  • Bill Smith from Main Line Animal Rescue brought Oprah's attention to Puppy Mills

  • There are an estimated 10 000 puppy mills in the US

  • Young females are the most desirable to puppy mills, as they are baby making machines

  • Females can give birth up to 140 pups in their life time

  • Many dogs are "debarked" by metals pipes

  • These dogs live their entire lives in cramped cages - never even stepping on grass

  • Puppy mill pups are often unhealthy as they aren't bred for any good qualities and don't receive proper/if any veterinary care

Oprah will hopefully bring more attention to this horrible practice. Her site offers more information on pet adoption and finding a responsibly breeder. Buying from puppy mills and the pet stores that they feed only perpetuates the issue. During the taping of this show many of Oprah's staff adopted dogs from various rescues and shelters. If you are looking to add a canine addition to your family seriously think about adopting a pet from a rescue or a shelter. If you are still set on a puppy - find a responsible breeder!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Westminster Dog Show

I flipped to the animal channel just now - they often have interesting animal related TV, if not specifically a dog show- and the Westminster Dog Show is on. Normally I wouldn't watch a dog show, but the toy dogs are going now. They are just so darn cute! How can you not enjoy watching dogs that commentators describe as "happy, merry little dogs"? Seriously.

The show is put on by the Westminster Kennel Club.

This is kind of old news but, Uno, a Beagle, Went on to win Best in Show. Hopefully this win will make Beagle's more popular. There are lots of them out there waiting to be adopted. Beagles and Buddies is a great No Kill shelter that specializes in Beagles, but has all types of animals. If you are in the Los Angeles area, they are worth checking out.
Remember to have all new puppies check by a vet! You never know where they have been, and young puppies can take a turn for the worse quickly. This article, The Worst Pitfalls in Pet Adoption, outlines what I mean.

Dolittler - A blog much better than my own

Dolittler is a "veterinary blog for pet lovers, vet voyeurs and the medically curious... " Sounds cool, right? It is cool! Patty Khuly, VMD, MBA writes accounts of cases she has treated, problems she sees as well as opinions she possesses. Some of her more recent posts include:

The blog is updated very frequently and all the articles have proven to be interesting if not informative to read. I have learned more than a few things - Check it out!

Snuggle Sacks - Product Review

My boys received their very own Snuggle Sack in the mail today. They are made and sold by Wendy Barkett to help offset the costs of her dachshund's surgery costs.

"Each Snuggle Sack is made with 4 layers of fleece. All of the sides have fringe and one side is left open so your pet may crawl or burrow in. Nice and warm in the winter and a nice soft spot for the summer. They are about 20 X 30 give or take a couple of inches." They cost $35 in the US, which includes shipping. For pricing information to other areas, you need to contact Wendy directly.
She has lots of fabric choices - many much more bold and fun than the plain black I requested. That is correct - she filled my pain in the butt request. Wendy was very easy to deal with and prompt. I received the snuggle sack 2 days after I paid for it.
On top of all of those pluses, the dogs instantly loved it. They knew it was for them the minute I opened the box and began to play and sleep on it for the next few hours. I was totally impressed with the quality of materials and construction of the snuggle sack.
Even if you aren't really in the market for a new dog bed, this is a great product for a great cause! The puppies give it 2 paws up!

The Beginning - A very good place to start

After a few years without dogs, I now find myself with two puppies, 4 months and 5 months. When I am not spending time playing with them, feeding them and cleaning up after them, I am researching how to be the best pet owner I can be.

On top of my puppies, my other interests are gymnastics, horses and murder mystery books. I love James Patterson. I hope to use this blog as a place to sound off on some cool places I find, thoughts and of course pictures.