Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Thankfully Dull

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Good News for Patrick
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Oh Reality TV
No Answers

Bad News
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Two Successful Neuters

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Neuter Time...

Monday, April 21, 2008
Southern California Dog Parks
Dogs on TV

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Today I Eat my Words
While I was at it I made them a Squidoo. For those of you that don't know Squidoo's are single pages that hold information on any topic you want. They are pretty easy to make, and have some fun widgets. Here is their squidoo.
I must sign off now, as the boys are barking at Polar Bears on TV. Super.
Handi-Drink - Product Review

Where did the weekend go?
I ordered some new knitting books. I want to learn how to knit again and be better at it. Last time I tried it took me THREE MONTHS to make a scarf. Not a super fancy scarf either. A plain old boring one. Anyways, I want to make slippers and toques and dog sweaters and throws and... Really, I want to be able to make anything I want.

We went to the dog park today. It was super fun. There was about 8 dogs there total and they were all well behaved. The boys ran and ran and ran. It was good because they were all antsy in the apartment. It is really nice to have some choices close by to help them really blow off some steam.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
My mad photoshopping skills!
I love when I follow through...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Randomness at it's finest

On a totally different topic - Jack starts doggie school tomorrow. I'm really excited for him. He is smart as a whip and learns things really quickly, but I need some help with his confidence outside of the house. He gets so timid and scared. I'm hoping to learn some good tips to help him cope a bit better.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Gymnastics Coaching - Blog Review

New computer for the win!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Out with the Dogs

Friday, April 11, 2008
Road to Beijing - Gymnastics Post #1
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Chicken Nibblers - Healthy Treats For Your Dog

Chicken Nibbles are 100% natural. According to their ad: "Pet Center Chicken Nibbles dog treats, made from 100% Chicken Breast Fillets, are freshly processed according to PCI's quality standards and formulas without additives or coloring. These premium treats are delicately roasted to perfection to insure the ultimate quality and flavor. Low in fat, high in protein, no preservatives and highly nutritious. Chicken Nibbles are sure to become your dog's favorite treat. Round shaped nibbles are perfect as a training treat" These treats are also endorsed by the American Canine Association.
So, obviously the second part of my "good" criteria is fulfilled. Regarding the first, my dogs LOVE them. My one pup is a bit leery of new treats but gobbled these right up. The only thing I would change is to perhaps have a small breed version of the treat. I break each cookie up into about 4-6 pieces to use for training. Otherwise it takes way too long for them to eat and I'm sure they would get fat no matter how healthy the treats are.
Go Orange for ASPCA

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Dogster? - I don't get it...

Monday, April 7, 2008
LA Area - Mandatory to Spay and Neuter
According to msnbc, "First-time offenders will receive information on subsidized sterilization services and be given an additional 60 days. If they still fail to comply they could be fined $100 and ordered to serve eight hours of community service. A subsequent offense could result in a $500 fine or 40 hours of community service."
This all sounds fine and good, the law is trying to solve a major problem. LA shelters took in 50,000 cats and dogs last year and euthanized approximately 15,000 at a cost of $2 million, msnbc reports.

Other issues aside (which I will discuss at a later date) my big question is - who is going to police this? Are there going be dog patrols out checking all dogs out and about being walked? Will they be tracked via pet licensing? Are vets going to be responsible for reporting law breakers? The people that don't spay their dogs usually don't take them to the vet anyway. Responsible people will be responsible for their pets and the rest will slip between the cracks. A poster on a Los Angeles dog message board fears that, "more sick dogs won't even get to go to the vets because their irresponsible owners will be afraid of getting caught".
So, as I've said it is an interesting law with a great purpose idea. It just seems unmanageable. As Dolittler says, "it's too bad you can't legislate common sense".
Your Pet's Best Friend - An Entertaining Veterinary Blog
Regardless, I feel it takes facing harsh realities for some people to understand the importance of good and regular care for their pets. Pets are a privilege, not a right.
Check out the blog. It is well written and has excellent tips, reminders and information.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Griffith Park Off Leash Park

Zanies Tug-a-Bloom Dog Toy - Review
The official description of the product is:
- Four ropes that provide ample tugging & chewing options
- Crinkle flower petals and squeaker in each ball
- Tug-a-Bloom is 8 1/2"
- Multi-purpose elements will grab your pups attention
- Interactive toy has dental benefits and will provide hours of chewing fun
All I know is, the puppies approve!
April - Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month!
One of the easiest suggestions it to read the Top 10 Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty. Do your part to prevent animal cruelty.
Oprah is a Dog Lover too
"Factory farms where thousands of breeding dogs are kept in cages slightly larger than their own bodies. Underfed dogs feeding an industry of corruption and greed. Instead of walking on grass, they stand a lifetime on stretched wire flooring in cramp rabbit hutches. Instead of collars or bandanas, they wear rusted livestock clips in their ears or chains with USDA tags embedded in their necks. Undeserving of a name after eight years of service, a breeding female is often led into a dark cornfield and killed once she can no longer produce her young for market."
- Bill Smith from Main Line Animal Rescue brought Oprah's attention to Puppy Mills
- There are an estimated 10 000 puppy mills in the US
- Young females are the most desirable to puppy mills, as they are baby making machines
- Females can give birth up to 140 pups in their life time
- Many dogs are "debarked" by metals pipes
- These dogs live their entire lives in cramped cages - never even stepping on grass
- Puppy mill pups are often unhealthy as they aren't bred for any good qualities and don't receive proper/if any veterinary care

Oprah will hopefully bring more attention to this horrible practice. Her site offers more information on pet adoption and finding a responsibly breeder. Buying from puppy mills and the pet stores that they feed only perpetuates the issue. During the taping of this show many of Oprah's staff adopted dogs from various rescues and shelters. If you are looking to add a canine addition to your family seriously think about adopting a pet from a rescue or a shelter. If you are still set on a puppy - find a responsible breeder!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Westminster Dog Show

Dolittler - A blog much better than my own

- Dirty Jobs: One veterinarian’s vote for her profession’s filth - a witty look at the more...disgusting side of Veterinary medicine. Maggots anyone?
- A veterinary rant on the plague of retractable leashes in our midst - the vet's point of view regarding these leashes in the waiting room and other places.
- How could they not know? Cases of client cluelessness in veterinary medicine -it will make you think twice - are you paying enough attention to your animals needs and issues?
The blog is updated very frequently and all the articles have proven to be interesting if not informative to read. I have learned more than a few things - Check it out!
Snuggle Sacks - Product Review

The Beginning - A very good place to start
On top of my puppies, my other interests are gymnastics, horses and murder mystery books. I love James Patterson. I hope to use this blog as a place to sound off on some cool places I find, thoughts and of course pictures.