Jim recommended that we take Jack out and about more. We are to have him sit quietly and patiently while people and other things pass him. When he gets more confident with that we can move on to getting people to approach us and pet him. So far we have had great success at Starbucks and the patio at a nearby
sandwich shop. Today I took him to
Petco. It was awesome because I could walk him all over the store to loosen him up and then ask him to do the sit stay. We sat by the entrance and he was great! He sat politely well men, women, children, big dogs and little dogs passed us! I couldn't be more thrilled. He even let a man pet
him (the man didn't ask... he just went in for it). He wasn't thrilled but put up with it. It was definitely a good positive experience for Jack. I will probably head back there again.
Sounds like fun.
Simba x
Oh Oh OH Petco! I love to shop there with muzzer..and I am usually pretty good, but bigger dogs go there too, so please be careful.
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