Jack LOVES to give Patrick kisses. I'm not sure that Patrick enjoys is as much - he puts up with it for a while.
In regards to the sweater...Patrick was legitimately cold! As you can see the boys have their favourite toys out with them. Their Zanie's Tug a Bloom (round 2... I had to replace their first one after the shredded it)
Jack & Patrick, Thanks for visiting my blog! Are you two brothers? It must be fun having a brother your same size. My brother (from another mother) Ziggy is ALOT bigger than me but I'm the boss of him. hahaha! I wish I could have gone to Texas with my mom to meet all my cousins. Oh well, maybe next time. Nice to meet you! Pedro
Jack, I totally understand. I have to give my sister, Belicia, kisses all the time. Mommy says its because I think she's my puppy instead of my sister.
Jack & Patrick,
Thanks for visiting my blog! Are you two brothers? It must be fun having a brother your same size. My brother (from another mother) Ziggy is ALOT bigger than me but I'm the boss of him. hahaha! I wish I could have gone to Texas with my mom to meet all my cousins. Oh well, maybe next time. Nice to meet you!
Cute, cute, cute!!! William and Lindy Loo are the biggest kissers around here!
wags from the whippets
ummm..Teka gives kisses sometimes too...but I don't like it either. I think the photos are true examples of pained tolerance.
Thats so sweet.
Simba x
Thanks for the nice words about Sam, and thanks for stopping by and saying hi. I stopped by your blog and it looks KOOL!
have fun,
Jack, I totally understand. I have to give my sister, Belicia, kisses all the time. Mommy says its because I think she's my puppy instead of my sister.
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