Monday, June 2, 2008

New Dog Bed

Yesterday the Nuts for Mutts show had many vendors and amazing stuff for sale. We have been in the market for a new dog bed for a while. So when the owners of Friends and Cashmere offered me a screaming deal on one of their beds I jumped at the chance.

They got a new chocolate brown cashmere/wool blend, memory foam, ergonomic dog bed. I brought it home for them all excited. In typical fussy dog fashion, they prefer their old one. I'm hoping it is because they have treats and such stashed in their old bed. It smells like them and is also all broken in. I know if I had a cashmere bed you'd be hard pressed to get me out!

So, while the bed is beautiful and wonderfully constructed, the dogs have yet to give it their full approval.


Rambo said...

You guys looks pretty kool in your new bed, but I know what you mean about letting the old one go. It just has that dawgie smell.
Rambo & Mm

Gus said...

Muzzer says that if they don't like it, she is sure she can become accustomed to sleeping on cashmere.


Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.

Simba x

Pedro said...

If you guys don't want that bed send it to me. I am a dawg that should be sleeping in cashmere because I am the King of my house!


Ace said...

This is so wonderful.....
Thank you

designer of The Secure Snuggler
Friends of Cashmere Boutique

Anonymous said...

I like your choice of cashmere/wool blend bad for your sweet looking doggy, I think they feel very comfortable with chocolate brown cashmere/wool blend in this image.
Dog Beds

Jeckab said...

That's very intrusting and informative post on dog bed, It's a fantastic and thanks for submission.

Symon Ramirez said...

Many dog’s beds are very subtle and attractive. You should have this, you can place it in the family room or living room. double donut dog bed

Jessica Adam said...

Wow!!amazing, i loved it.
I think cheap dog beds are great to go for.